Eureka moment…

WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge


Some 40,000 feet over the earth, I got a birds eye view (also figuratively) of my life and things and priorities and who I am and and I am doing and what I ought to do and what matters and what doesn’t. The airplane hum drowned out my inner chatter and I had a sense of peace and clarity. I am sure some of you can identify with this feeling or vulnerability and strange experiences while air travel…

Black and white, B&W, Monochromes, Photography, iPhone, rockies, colorado, view, plane, mountains.

22 thoughts on “Eureka moment…

  1. This looks a lot like the view from the plane when I’m landing in my home town. It reminds me of all of who I used to be, who I’ve forgotten, who I hadn’t realized I missed and who I’d like to go back to being. It’s a view of coming home in every sense. Gorgeous pic. I hope you framed it. I admire your talent! ❤

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  2. Yes, I have a couple of times experienced a very heightened sense like you describe. Of peace, clarity and otherworldliness. It is wonderful. My last time was on a flight to the U.S last year.
    I did write a poem as it Flowed out peacefully, it is as yet not published. There is another one on a shorter journey. Both poems are waiting for me to …..feel ready.

    It is lovely to have found you again, a fault on my reader had stopped all posts from you.

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